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What is a Weighted Blanket?

Nov 01, 2024

Blankets provide a warm, soft and cozy feel. But did you know that the weight of a blanket can affect the level of your sleeping comfortability? Weighted blankets are the therapeutic gems you think they are. In fact, occupational therapists often recommend them as a way of managing different sensory disorders.

Although they resemble ordinary blankets, weighted blankets are filled with varying types of nontoxic pellets making them weightier than their ordinary counterparts. They have proven popularity as a safe way to enhance sleep quality, relaxation and overall wellbeing. Additionally, you can get them in different colors, styles, sizes, and materials.


Let’s get started on everything you need to know about weighted blankets, their benefits and important considerations.

How Do They Work?

Therapeutic advantages of a weighted blanket can be attributed to the pressure therapy technique. Basically, the moderate firm pressure provides you with a positive sense of security. This type of therapy is said to aid in production of feel-good hormones and enhance sleep regulation. This is why weighted blankets are perceived to be beneficial for not only people with sensory disorders but also those with mental conditions like dementia.

Additionally, weighted blankets are said to be beneficial for young people with anxiety, military veterans struggling with sleep disorders, and those with conditions such as multiple sclerosis.

Whether your weighted blanket is recommended by your doctor or are simply looking for enhanced relaxation, the exact weight is an important consideration. They should weigh 10 % of your body weight. A weighted blanket too heavy can be a source of discomfort by restricting movement.

On the other hand, if the pellets used do not add the recommended weight, they do not offer a hug-like feeling.


What Are the Benefits of Weighted Blankets?

Enhanced Sleep Quality

We cannot underestimate the positive effect of good sleep quality on the user’s overall wellbeing. The gentle pressure stimulates the production of melatonin hormone which helps regulate the sleep process. Good quality sleep can improve your body’s melatonin production. For this reason, they are beneficial for users struggling with restless leg syndrome and insomnia.


Sensory Disorder Management

Think of the sensory processing disorder as a traffic jam. When it comes to this disorder, the sensory pulses are halted as they travel to the brain. This can often cause an overwhelming feeling in both children and adults.

According to health experts, sensory processing disorder leads to meltdowns, especially in people who have difficulty in expressing emotions like children. This is where the weighted blanket comes in handy. It is said to help these people get familiar with the feel of touch in a less overwhelming way. For instance, if you can look into the sleep regulation benefits of a weighted blanket if you have a child diagnosed with autism.


Happier Mood

As we mentioned, weighted blankets are said to enhance the realization of happy hormones known as dopamine and serotonin. They improve confidence in the user's sense of wellbeing which might help in managing depressive symptoms.


Enhanced Feeling of Safety and Security

Swaddles help infants feel comfortable and cozy, making it easier for them to fall asleep. Similarly, the gentle pressure provided by a weighted blanket is said to have helped many people feel more comfortable and safer. The comfort enables them to effortlessly ease into sleep.



Choosing the Right Weighted Blanket



Although personal preference is a key consideration when selecting a weighted blanket, one that weighs around 10 % of your body weight is most ideal. They are available in the market in 7 pounds to 25 pounds.


Material Considerations

There are varying materials used to manufacture weighted blankets like cotton, bamboo, velvet, faux- fur, polyester, etc. The material used should be breathable and have a soft feel.


Size Matters

Weighted blankets are manufactured in different standard bedding sizes. They fall between toddler weighted blankets to others like full, twin, king and queen sizes. Ensure you consider the coverage you desire and even weight distribution during purchase for the best results.


Take Away

While many users and manufactures claim endless health benefits of weighted blankets, you should consult your doctor before buying. People with underlying conditions need expert advice on whether to and how to select the right weighted blanket. That said, many people continue to enjoy snuggling up in these blankets and the enhanced sleep quality.