If you are not familiar with weighted blankets, then essentially, they are just like a usual blanket. Nevertheless, there are some significant differentiating factors. Their design entails tiny, weighted beads or other fillers like glass pellets. The added features allow a little extra weight to your sleeping experience.
The added pressure is gentle. In fact, you might get a sensation similar to being swaddled or hugged. It seems to reduce anxiety and unsettledness which in turn enhances your quality of sleep. Now how exactly does a weighted blanket help you sleep better? Basically, it improves the secretion of dopamine and serotonin, which boost your mood and aids in relaxation.
That said, weighted blankets are not for us all. In some cases, they might prove less beneficial and riskier. For this reason, it is essential that you know whether you or your loved ones fall under the category of people who should avoid using weighted blankets.
Who Should Avoid Using Weighted Blankets?
The drastic effectiveness of weighted blankets for anxiety and sensory disorders is incomparable to that of chemical treatments. Still, it is essential that you understand any health impacts the extra pressure might carry. If you fit under any of the categories in this write-up, you are better off doing a ponder or seeking medical advice before purchasing your weighted blanket.
Babies Below 2 Years
It is certain that a weighted blanket is too heavy for any kid below the age of two. This additional weight can be rather inconvenient for an infant, in particular the child can suffocate or be unable to move. How about using lighter blankets on them until they are old enough?
Individuals With Respiratory Problems
If you or anyone close to you has respiratory issues, a weighted blanket might not be a suitable solution. They can weigh up to 30 pounds - you wouldn't want all that pressure laying on your chest. You might end up suffering elevated breathing difficulties.
This category touches on anyone with breathing issues related to asthma, obstructive pulmonary disease, and others. Do Ensure you consult with your doctor before using a weighted blanket to determine safety.
People with Claustrophobia
While the feeling of snuggling in a weighted blanket might be fulfilling to most people, the experience might be overwhelming to someone claustrophobic. In this case, the deep sensory touch might do more harm than good.
You don't have to feel trapped just to try the experience. You will enjoy more sleeping comfort with a normal blanket that allows you to easily move around.
Other Health Complications
Apart from respiratory issues, weighted blankets might aggravate the symptoms of other health conditions. That said, although they are often a source of comfort, you need to ask your daughter for advice. This especially applies for people with any underlying health complications. Think of neuropathic disorders, diabetes or circulation issues. Ensure you discuss all the risk factors with your doctor to avoid worsening symptoms.
People With Mobility Issues
Are you or someone you are caring for experiencing mobility issues? Imagine you are all settled in for sleep and feel the urge to use the bathroom. It can be difficult or impossible to move independently if you are covered in a weighted blanket. You can avoid this ordeal by using a regular blanket. Your comfort and ease of movement are top priority.
If you have a pet then you understand much goes into enhancing their comfort. Nevertheless, the weight of a weighted blanket might not cut when it comes to making them feel at home. It might not be a source of coziness. Another concern is that the weighted blanket cover might get damaged in case they scratch on it while playing around.
Who Should Use a Weighted Blanket?
Now that you understand the category of people who should avoid weighted blankets, you might wonder who they are ideal for. Firstly, if you find it difficult to fall asleep - you keep tossing through sleepless nights. A weighted blanket is an ideal solution if you want a restless sleep.
People who struggle with anxiety can also benefit from the calm and relaxation that they provide. On top of that, if you or anyone you know has sensory problems like ADHD and autism then a weighted blanket might help.
With the insight we have provided above, then you can at least evaluate whether you are a good match for a weighted blanket. They improve your quality of sleep and lowers your body's tension. Remember, we mentioned that they are not a source of comfort for everyone. For this reason, then ensure you consult with a health expert for more clarity.